Monday, November 24, 2008

End of the Line

Today I got my 2008 White House Christmas tree ornament in the mail, and it is beautiful.

It's also significant because it is the last White House ornament I will order.

Each year, I get my White House ornament through my old Senator's office. I've got one for just about every year I was in D.C. I went ahead and ordered one this year because I was there for part of it, but after this, no more.

I want my ornaments to really represent that time of my life. I want them to have sentimental value and meaning. If I just kept ordering them - like pretty much anyone could - they wouldn't stand for anything important like they do now.

Since this will be the first year I've had my own tree I expect it to be a little skimpy on ornaments. But that's ok, because it won't be skimpy on meaning!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

This might be my favorite one so far!