Friday, July 18, 2008

Steppin' Out

I went out on the town for the first time in Cheyenne last night.

Some coworkers and I decided to head to a local watering hole for a couple drinks and chose...

A place with karaoke!!

That's right! (Nobody's surprised? Huh.)

Turns out, Old Chicago has karaoke every Thursday, and I certainly intend to do some damage there.

I also intend to keep up appearances, so to speak. As we all can guess, going out in Cheyenne means something a little different than in D.C. Gold dresses and high, high heels in this town aren't common. But I wasn't going to let that stop me. After spending the last week unpacking and hanging - and sighing - over all of my glittery go-out wear I forewarned my colleagues they shouldn't be surprised/embarrassed if I arrive in head-to-sparkle.

I chose my sparkliest of shirts and one of my pairs of high silver heels and headed for the door.

Even my hot pink lip gloss had sparkles in it.

My poor little gold, and silver, and sequined outfits shouldn't have to just hang forlornly in my closet.

And when a girl's on stage she's got to look the part, right?

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