Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Everything But the Kitchen Sink - 2

It's soooo slow now that the season has ended, and when I'm behind the register for most of the day I've discovered there is a lot of time for my mind to wander.

To things much I LOVE toast. I mean love it. From the taste, to the crunch, to the smell, to just how light and cozy a piece of toast with a mug of tea is. It's interesting how a plain ol' piece of bread can take on a whole new persona, if you will.

This thought crossed my mind as I considered my lunch today. I packed a piece of bread with the hope of making toast at the store, but ironically we have no toasters in the back for us to do this with. I was very disappointed.

A couple came into the store today with one of those little frou frou poodle-esq dogs with a turquoise barrette holding its "bangs" back. The woman actually said they were trying to grow its "bangs" out so they could clip them back more often. I smiled outwardly, but was secretly disgusted. First of all, I do not like little dogs at all. And secondly, I do not believe a dog should be wearing hair clips, sweaters, booties, or any other sort of accessory but a collar.

I have a complex now about gift wrapping purchases at the store. This stems from one package I did for a customer that ended up looking like a seeing-impaired kindergartner wrapped it. I'm sorry, that's not very nice, but it is exactly what my gift looked like. It was a large Cuisinart thing that nearly didn't fit the size of paper we have. I actually had to re-wrap it because the first time looked worse than the second. I was so ashamed when I handed it to the woman. It was for a bridal shower and I could tell by the look on her face that she planned to rip the paper off when she got home and redo it. I have spent YEARS wrapping presents and simply don't know what went wrong here, but wrong it was.

I passed a Honeywagon on the way to work today. I agree with Tyler this is a funny name for our area's trash trucks. It kind of makes the thought of grimy, gross trash a little more pleasant!

Has anyone ever noticed that when counting a cash drawer the dime total will nine times out of ten have an $.80 in it?

I had a visitor today. The Unintentional Camper totally surprised me as I sat behind the register tagging knives. He was supposed to come over tomorrow for my birthday, but unfortunately, I found out today, will not be able to make it. So, he drove an hour out of his way today to deliver a bottle of champagne, the desire for which I had earlier expressed to him. How nice is that? His surprise visit made my afternoon, and tagging knives, much, much more pleasant. Thanks, UC!

Well, that about does it for random kitchen shop thoughts today.

Until next time!

1 comment:

Kelly S said...

I don't mind small dogs. There was a cute little dachshund named Greta at the animal rescue here that I would've adopted, if I could've. I could've entered her in the Wiener Dog Derby they have here every year. :D